Getting the People Paid. Empower Creators.

Get practical tips and insights to navigate market challenges, streamline payments, and elevate your creative journey as i document the travails of the Creator journey. Or just simply reads about me floundering through the start-up process as I build a company to (you guessed it) empower Creators . If you need anymore convincing, just look at the picture of the coffee and notebook on the right to be convinced just how big time this blog is.

The Story

Get Bread is a blog by innovative entrepreneur (ChatGPT said it so it must be true) Rob which follows his journey as he builds a platform to support Freelancers in the UK & USA become financially independent. The business, Bread, was created with his business partner Oscar, focusing on timely payments for creators. One Payment at a time, we are going to give Freelancers (starting with Creators) all the tools that are typically reserved for businesses. The world is changing and it’s about time industry did too, ultimately we believe the Gig economy is the future and we’re going to drag it there one payment at a time.

Time is Currency. Why Spend it on this Blog?

If there is one thing I can promise you in this blog, it’s that i’ll be brutally honest about my experience and share any insight I have into the start-up world.

If you’re thinking about starting a business

If you’re like me and spent many an hour with your head in the clouds wondering what business you would start if you could swallow your fear and do it, then this is for you. As a leading candidate for Procrastinator of the Year, I understand how daunting it can seem and you find a million reasons not to do it – hopefully this helps you build up the courage to take that first step.

You’re a Creator

So, the secrets out the bag: my business gets Creators the hard-earned pay the very next day. While i discuss my business throughout, I will do so with the expressed intent giving potential users insights they won’t get through our company marketing. No gate-keeping here.

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